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2024-25 Catalog 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2024-25 Catalog

Tuition and Fees

Calculating the Cost of Tuition: The College Opportunity Fund (COF)

The State of Colorado historically subsidized higher education for in-state students by giving money directly to the colleges. In 2004, the Colorado Legislature enacted a law establishing the College Opportunity Fund (COF) as a new way for Colorado to provide state financial support to eligible undergraduate students. With the start of fall semester 2005, this money is being set aside in the form of a stipend for each undergraduate student, in an account the student creates by signing up at the following COF website. The student designates which institutions of higher learning are to receive stipend funds on their behalf. The money is applied to the in-state student’s tuition if the student applies for and authorizes the use of the stipend, and it will appear as a credit on the tuition bill. Currently the College Opportunity Fund (COF) stipend is estimated to be worth $116 per credit hour.

Projected tuition costs for the 2024-2025 academic year1:

Tuition  Tuition Only Less Estimated COF Stipend Student Share of Tuition
Resident $285.10 $(116.00) $169.10
Resident-CCC Online, PCC Online, Co Online $393.80 $(116.00) $277.80
Online Courses Active Duty Military $366.00 $(116.00) $250.00
Resident - Nursing Courses* $370.40 $(116.00) $254.40
Resident-Dental Hygiene** $452.45 $(116.00) $336.45
Resident Online Nursing Courses*** $473.05 $(116.00) $357.05
Non Resident $694.10   $694.10
Non Resident -CCC Online, PCC Online, Co Online  $423.60   $423.60
Non Resident Nursing $710.00   $710.00
Non Resident- Dental Hygiene $704.10   $704.10
Non Resident -Online Nursing Courses $504.00   $504.00


* Includes nursing tutiion differential (AAS) $85.30/credit

**Includes dental hygiene tuition differential (AAS) $167.35/credit

***Includes online NUR tuition differential $79.25/credit

Bachelor Programs Tuition Only Less Estimated COF Stipend  Student Share of Tuition 
Resident Dental Hygiene $463.90 $(116.00) $347.90
Resident Health Information Management Online $393.80 $(116.00) $277.80
Resident Nursing  $502.05 $(116.00) $386.05
Resident Advanced Paramedic Practicioner $393.80 $(116.00) $277.80
Resident Radiologic Technology $463.90 $(116.00) $347.90
Resident Respiratory Therapy $463.90 $(116.00) $347.90
Resident Secure Software Development $391.90 $(116.00) $275.90
Non Resident Dental Hygiene $451.60   $451.60
Non Resident Health Information Management Online $423.60   $423.60
Non Resident Nursing  $489.75   $489.75
Non Resident Advanced Paramedic Practicioner $423.60   $423.60
Non Resident Radiologic Technology $451.60   $451.60
Non Resident Respiratory Therapy $451.60   $451.60
Non Resident Secure Software Development $673.85   $673.85

Fees not included - see Mandatory Student Fees

1These estimated costs are subject to change without prior notice or obligation.

Tuition Rates for Armed Forces Members and Their Families

A member of the armed forces who is on active duty for more than thirty (30) days (during enrollment), whose permanent duty station is in Colorado, cannot be charged out-of-state tuition. Even if there is a change in the permanent duty station, as long as the person is continually enrolled they must still be charged in-state tuition (this also applies to their spouse and/or dependent children). Contact the Admissions Office for the Certification for Military Tuition Status form.


Registration Fee: $17.15 per semester

Mandatory Student Fees

The following fees are assessed on a per-credit-hour basis up to a maximum of 12 credit hours per campus/site.

Campus/Site Fees: Amount
Student Use Fee $4.13
Technology Fee $12.36
Facility Site Use Fee (Bayfield, Durango $1.85
Parking (Pueblo, Fremont, Mancos) $1.85


Charges at Pueblo Campus Only Amount
Student Center Fee $9.31
Fitness Center Fee $1.41
Student Life Facility $10.29
Health Clinic Fee (6 credits and up, flat charge) $6.16

Additional information on instructional program fees and course pass thru fees can be found on the PCC website under the Additional Fees tab.

Miscellaneous Fees *

The following miscellaneous fees will be charged where appropriate:

Additional Parking Permit $1.00
Deferred Payment $10.00-$30.00
Health Professions, Malpractice $9.48
Return Payment Charge $25.00-$40.00
Student Identification Card $10.00
Student Identification Card (replacement) $10.00
Student Records (per copy in advance) $2.00
Accuplacer Exam (per test session) $10.00

* These estimated costs are subject to change without prior notice or obligation. Additional cost may be incurred as required by program (e.g., background check/drug screen, immunization, program-specific supplies, etc.). Students should check with their program for additional cost information.

Financial Obligation

When you register for one or more classes, you must pay all of your tuition and fees unless you officially drop your courses within the first 15 percent of the term (by the end of the refund period). If you fail to pay tuition and fees, you might incur collection fees, attorney fees, interest or other costs. If you have a financial obligation to PCC, future registration will be withheld until your account is paid in full.


Statements can be obtained anytime through the myPCC Portal.

Methods of Payment

PCC accepts cash, check or credit card. (Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express)  Bills may be paid at the Cashier Office,  over the phone, online, or by mail.

Payment Plans are offered through the Cashier Office.  Students must make a minimum down payment, sign a promissory note and pay the deferred payment fee.  All payment plans are due before the end of the semester. Payment Plans

Third Party payments are also accepted.  If you are working with a third party payer, please contact the Cashier Office to complete the required paperwork.  Third Party Payments


Tuition Refunds/Adjustments

To receive a tuition refund or adjustment, students must drop classes by the refund deadline listed in the Academic Calendar or on your class schedule/bill. You must authorize the drop in person by one of the following methods:

  • Fill out an official drop form and submit it to the Admissions & Records Office.
  • Login to your student account through the myPCC Portal to submit a drop request online.

Please Note: Not attending class does not constitute a drop and students will not automatically receive a refund. Students must officially drop their courses — at the Admissions Office (CC 224) or via online or telephone registration — no later than the Refund Period shown on the Academic Calendar or on the class schedule/bill given at registration.


When it comes to receiving financial aid refunds and other credit balances, you deserve choices! PCC delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc.. You will select your refund preference by logging into the myPCC Portal and selecting the BankMobile icon from the Student Tools portlet.

Learn more about BankMobile disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc.