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2025-2026 Catalog 
    Mar 09, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog

Transferring Credits

Transferring Credits to PCC

To transfer credits to PCC from another higher education institution, please ask your previous institution to mail your official transcript to this address:

Records Office
Pueblo Community College
900 W. Orman Ave.
Pueblo, CO 81004

** PCC will not accept hand-carried transcripts.

Electronic Transcripts Receipt Process

E-transcripts may be sent to

Pueblo Community College will accept electronic transcripts.

Approved Mechanisms:

  1. eSCRIP-SAFE transcript delivery network.
  2. Electronic Certified.pdf Transcripts with a digital signature available through a secure password-protected database.

These transcripts are password protected, provided by the sender and accepted and handled as official documentation.

Transcripts sent via any other method or to any other email address will not be accepted as official documents and will not be used for transfer purposes.

We need to receive your transcripts as soon as possible and within your first term of enrollment at PCC; otherwise, you may have to re-take courses you took at your former institution or satisfy PCC assessment requirements.

We evaluate your transfer credits according to the following guidelines:

  • You must be admitted as a Classified student (one with a declared major) before we can evaluate your transfer credit. We evaluate transfer credits based on the requirements of your major.
  • You must submit official transcripts, mailed or electronically certified and delivered from your previous institutions, within your first term of enrollment at PCC. We will not accept hand-carried transcripts.
  • We accept transfer credit hours from regionally accredited institutions recommended by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, and as specified by legislated and CCCS articulation agreements.
  • Forty-five (45) credits is the maximum number of transfer credits that can be applied toward an Associates degree and Ninety (90) credit hours is the maximum number of transfer credits that can be applied toward a Bachelors degree. A minimum of 25 percent of the credits applied to a degree or certificate must be earned at Pueblo Community College.
  • PCC will only evaluate credit for transfer on courses with a grade earned of C, P, S, or better.
  • You must earn at least 15 graded semester credit hours at PCC in your program area to receive an Associates degree and 30 graded semester credit hours at PCC in your program area to receive a Bachelors degree. They cannot include transfer credits or credits earned for prior learning.
  • Your instructional department will evaluate your transfer credits to determine whether they meet department requirements for graduation.
  • Please note that some courses that are more than 10 years old may not be transferable. The department chair or dean of your program area will determine whether your transfer credits fall within acceptable time limits. Older credits may be evaluated by the appropriate department chair or dean and their decision will be final.
  • There will be a seamless transfer of courses you’ve earned in any Colorado state system community college, or any local district community/junior college which is in compliance with the State Board Policy on degree standards, as meeting degree or certificate requirements in comparable or equivalent programs at PCC.
  • The registrar will determine if PCC can accept credits from qualified degree-granting institutions. In most cases, these will be 100- and 200-level courses. If you wish to transfer 300- or 400-level credits to PCC, the records coordinator, your department chair and/or dean will decide how PCC will apply those credits.
  • If you are eligible for veterans’ educational benefits, you must submit official transcripts from all colleges and universities previously attended or your benefits could be interrupted.
  • If we accept your transfer credits, we will post them to your academic record (transcript) after you enroll at PCC. You may review your results online by logging on to your myPCC Portal account.
  • The evaluation of previous college work must be completed prior to filing an Application for Graduation. You may appeal a transfer evaluation by contacting the Records Office at 719.549.3085.
  • If you do not enroll in classes, PCC will only hold your transcripts for one year.
  • Transfer credits will be awarded as governed by the Colorado Department of Higher Education and State Board policies and System President Procedures.
  • If you change your degree or major, you must contact the records office for a re-evaluation of your transcripts.
  • We cannot remove transfer credit once it has been posted to your records.

Transfer Appeals Process

Consistent with the requirements of the Colorado Department of Higher Education, CCCS Colleges have established a Transfer Appeals Process. Based upon initial transcript evaluation of transfer credits completed, a student may appeal any of the following:

  1. A decision regarding the transferability of a specific course(s)
  2. A decision regarding the placement of a specific course(s)
  3. The college’s failure to provide a transcript evaluation within the designated 30-day calendar period

To appeal a transfer evaluation, you should fill out the Transfer Appeal form found under forms on the students MyPCC portal.

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)

Students may earn college credit for non-college or experiential learning acquired through prior schooling, tests, work, or other life experiences. PLA is not awarded for experiences alone, but for the college-level learning that the student gained through the experiences. Such college-level learning must be comparable to PCC courses and must relate to the student’s educational objectives and declared program. PLA credit may be earned through apprenticeship, industry certifications, state and/or federal licensure, non-regionally accredited school, standardized tests, challenge exams, published guides or portfolio assessment. All credit assessed for PLA must meet or exceed “C” level work. Students who intend to transfer to another community college in the state system may have their prior learning credits transferred to that college as long as the credits are applicable to the student’s declared certificate/degree program. Go to Pueblo Community College PLA Credit for college specific information.

Types of Credit

Standardized Tests

Advanced Placement Program (AP)

Students can receive credit through AP Exams completed in high school. Please visit the following site for a complete list of acceptable AP exams, AP exam cut scores and PCC course equivalencies

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a series of examinations that allows individuals to earn college credit for what they already know, regardless of where they learned it. Please visit the following sites, site 1 and site 2, for more information on what tests are available.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

PCC recognizes the International Baccalaureate program and reviews IB credentials on an individual basis. For information, please click on the following site for special conditions for acceptance.

DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)

Most DSSTs are recognized by PCC as acceptable exams for college credit. DSSTs may be taken at the PCC Testing Center. Call 719.549.3091 or email for more information.

To receive college credit, students who take any standardized test must request that their scores be sent directly to the PCC Records Office. There is no charge for PCC to evaluate standardized test results for credit.

Challenge Examinations

PCC-approved exams such as objective tests, essays, oral presentations or hands-on demonstrations may be used to evaluate students’ competencies in specific courses listed in the PCC Catalog. These comprehensive exams are the equivalent of the final exam of the course challenged and are available at the option and approval of the appropriate dean. Only one exam for a particular course may be arranged per term. Challenges must be completed prior to registering in the course challenged. The cost for a Challenge Exam is $45 per credit hour.

Published Guides


PCC uses the credit recommendations of the American Council on Education (ACE), as published in the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services, to evaluate military training and learning experiences.

ACE-Workforce Training

PCC uses the credit recommendations from the ACE Workforce Training as documented on the ACE Transcript. See National Guide to College Credit for Workforce Training for information.

Non-Accredited Training

PCC used the credit recommendations from The National College Credit Recommendations Service as documented on the NCCRS transcript. Information can be found at the following site.

To receive college credit, students should request that the transcripts be sent directly to the PCC Records Office. There is no charge for PCC to evaluate credit from published guides.

Portfolio of Learning Outcomes

Admitted students who have declared a program of study may petition for credit by developing a portfolio that documents and details learning experiences comparable to those available in PCC courses. A faculty member in the appropriate program area will evaluate the portfolio and determine what, if any, credit will be given. Only one portfolio evaluation for a particular course will be permitted during any one semester. The cost for a portfolio evaluation is $65 per credit hour.

Graduation Requirements

Students may use PLA Credit to fulfill all degree/certificate graduation requirements except for the mandatory 25 percent residency requirement. For more information on PLA options, students should contact their faculty or academic advisor or the PCC Records Office at 719.549.3085.

Transferring Associate Degrees to Other Institutions

Colorado’s Statewide Transfer Agreements (sometimes known as “Degrees with Designations” or “DwDs”) guarantee that when you complete your AA or AS degree at PCC with at least 60 approved credit hours of course work with a C or better grade in every course, you can transfer to a baccalaureate liberal arts and sciences major (e.g., English, History, Math) at a Colorado public college or university and graduate after earning an additional 60 credits. While you are guaranteed not to have to take more than 60 hours to graduate, a variety of factors will determine whether or not you will receive your bachelor’s degree in an additional two years. You must consult with your academic advisor to determine which courses to take at PCC to prepare you for your chosen bachelor’s degree.

PCC also has multiple transfer and articulation agreements with several Colorado four-year institutions.  Save time by seeing your transfer advisor at your earliest opportunity for the latest transfer guides.

This AA/AS transfer agreement applies to courses completed at any Colorado community college. Credit earned for prior learning, Advanced Placement, correspondence courses, CLEP and other tested-only credit may not apply. The institution to which you transfer will evaluate these credits according to its own policies. If you disagree with the institution’s evaluation of your PCC credits, you may contact PCC to appeal our calculation of your transfer credits.


To order official transcripts, you may either order online through Parchment or print the “Request Official Transcript form” Please use the form for coursework prior to summer 1987 or San Juan Basin Technical College. Please contact your campus Go!Zone to see if transcript pick-up is available. There is a minimum fee of $3 per transcript.

Unofficial transcripts are available free of charge through the MyPCC Portal for one year after you leave PCC.  If you are a current student, check your unofficial transcript prior to ordering official transcripts at the end of a term to ensure that your grades and/or degree have been posted.

PCC will not provide copies of your previous colleges’ transcripts. If you need a copy of another college’s transcript, please contact that college directly.